What to Expect

1) Initial 30 minute phone conversation to discuss:

  • What your ideal life would look like to you. If possible send me pictures of your home now and pictures of examples of what you think is a stress-free environment.
  • Are you prepared? Are you at the point where you are willing to keep what brings you joy and discard the rest?
  • Is this the best time for you? Can you commit the time to doing the work to learn the technique and follow up with homework if needed? I ask for undivided attention to get the most out of each session (no phones please).
  • Determine the best plan of action and pricing options. Schedule an appointment.

2) A typical session takes up to 5 hours.

  • The first session will include a 20-40 minute walk through to greet the home. With your permission I would like to take before pictures so we can see the progress. Then we are on to the first category clothing….
  • Once we are near the end of the each session we will decide the next steps of going forward (homework etc.)
  • Continue with each category until graduation.

    The pricing and process will be structured to fit your budget and lifestyle.

    How long the process will take will depend on how fast you go through each item (be sure we take enough time to do this thoroughly for the best results) and the progress of your homework etc.

    I recommend that we do the first lesson and then decide from there.

    Some clients only do 1 lesson then they feel they can proceed on their own. Others want more help in going through the entire home together. I recommend finishing the process within a 6 month period.

    Remember this process is thorough and  if done correctly will be the last time you need to organize your entire home.


    Have boxes / bags on site

    Have all items from the category available (if there is clothing in the garage or storage bring it in)

    This can be a messy process. It is best to have an unused space that we can use while we are sorting.

    Know what charity you want to use for donations.

    The KonMari ™ Philosophy

    1. Commit yourself to tidying up
    2. Imagine your ideal life
    3. Finish letting go first
    4. Tidy by category, not location
    5. Follow the right order
    6. Ask yourself if it sparks joy